Road to a new Lifestyle
Long time since I was here to write. I haven't been active in the blog world but I do have a need to write. It must be in my genes since my Grandmother wrote a daily Journal. She loved writing and so I think that's why have a need to write aswell.
I want to reignite my blog starting from last week, after Easter.
I had this revelation that I now would start my journey to a new Lifestyle. I've had enough self pity. I'm extremly overweight. I'm sick of it. I'm lazy and I need more energy and motivation to be healthy and not die from obesity.
It all started with me getting a small wound from a pair of panties. I think the sow was sharp and irritating until it ripped my skin. It was always wet since it was under my hanging belly. This little open wound was gushing and nasty and just wouldn't heal. I tried putting a bandaid on it but since it was so damp under my fat tummy roll it wouldn't stick. in the end I just took toilet paper and clamped it under my belly. It did stay in place..
That made me realise that I need to make a change. It's now or never. It was like my wakeup call. I started to realise other placecs where me being over weight was a problem. I hadn't felt that way earlier. I noticed how hard and tired I was from just tieing my shoes. I realised how I always would stuff my face with too much food and snacks. I was so disgusted with myself that I just needed something.
I was watching this swedish tv show called "Du är vad du äter", You are what you eat. And I really got inspired and motivated by the show and the people on it. Everyday people that I could really relate to. All from eating habits, what they eat, how much they snack and how little they exercised. I had to do it. I hd to fix my health issue.
On the show they follow the Paleo/KETO diet, also known as Stoneage diet. You basically eat the way our ancestors did. The following:

(picture from
So basically Meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds and eggs.
So this will be my diet from now on. Will update you further on with some progress!